Tuesday, June 5, 2012


We had the chance to visit beautiful La Jolla a few weeks ago and it did not disappoint! What a beautiful part of California. It was a bit overcast, but beautiful none the less. Here is a composite picture of Scripps Pier with the amazing solar eclipse that happened while we were there. Enjoy!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Smell the flowers

How easily we can get away from doing the things we love. Everyone always says how busy they are, which is true, but to busy to do the things that bring us the most joy? Spring is in full bloom which means beautiful weather for photography. This picture is to remind us to stop and smell the flowers as we rush about our daily lives.
This picture was taken outside of Grand Lake. Interesting contrast of new life in the flowers with dead pine beetle kill trees in the background.

Monday, March 12, 2012

House of Stilts

This was one of the most interesting houses we saw in Belize. I am not sure if the dock that once went out to it was destroyed or just what happened. From the look of the house, it has been there for quite some time. I guess maybe the house made it through a storm but not the dock????

Monday, March 5, 2012


We are back! Belize was beautiful and there will be many pictures to share that are still being processed. Some of the pictures you see on here can take anywhere between 10 minutes and a few hours depending on the complexity of the shot. It was amazing to see all the docks as the water is very shallow until you get about 60 yards off shore. Every resort has their own. This was one of my favorites at sunrise!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Cold Weekend

Anyone else tired of the snow? I spent last week in Ohio and realized that while we have tons of snow, at least Colorado has sun. We are heading to Belize at the end of the week and their will be even more sun! We are adventuring to a new place with our awesome friends for their 30th b-day celebration and will be sure to bring back lots of good pictures. For the time being, here is cold Denver taken last week!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Cold Night

Got up the Breck the other weekend and decided to do a little night shooting. It was way to cold to be standing around outside though. This was the kind of shot where you jump back in the car and wait for the long exposure!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Drop in the pond

Today's picture comes from beautiful Nicaragua. We stayed at the most amazing little place! When the tide goes down, these amazing rocks are all full with water creating thousands of mini ponds. I could have spent all day exploring these bad boys if the sun had not gone down. Loved this shot with one drop in the pond and a single local in the back ground.

Monday, January 23, 2012


So every photographer has their favorite programs for editing and I though I would share a few of mine. I would love to hear if any of you have others that you love.
Photo Matix- This is a must for HDR. 
On One- Wonderful program that is great for adding a little flavor to your images and also great for resizing, masking and even changing focal point
Topaz Adjust - Amazing for adding detail to any photo and great creativity
Noise Ware- Remove any grain from the photo that may have come from HDR or high ISO
These are just a few of the wonderful programs that we have access to out there.
This picture comes from the breath taking Cannon Beach Oregon. Most days were a little to cloudy for much of a sunset but it was still amazing!

Friday, January 20, 2012

God bless Friday!

Hopefully everyone enjoyed a short week. Somehow Fridays feel just as good when you only have to work 4 days. Sounds like the mountains finally got some snow this week so I hope everyone gets to enjoy it!

This picture is from Crested Butte. What an amazing mountain and interesting little town.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Deaming of somewhere warm

I am not one to normally get cold but today I can't seem to get warm. I think maybe my wonderful wife is wearing off on me :) Good news is that it should be warming up here in Denver.
This picture was taking at one of my favorite places in the world. Matangi Island, Fiji. It takes about 12 hours on a 747, 1-2 hours on a tiny cessna plane (depends on how much everyone weighs- I kind you not), quick van ride and then 30 minutes on a boat but it is all worth it! http://matangiisland.com/

Friday, January 13, 2012

The road less travled

On the way to Wyoming, we often get to see amazing sunsets. As you can imagine, there is not always a lot to shoot with the sunset... Usually the best bet is long roads and barb wire fences. Here is a fine example from the other week! Going up to Breck this weekend to ski and will be sure to grab a few good pics!

Monday, January 9, 2012


It finally snowed in the high country! Had an opportunity to spend the weekend in the mountains with family and we were blessed with a little bit of fluffy white stuff! This shot is all the cars coming down the mountain heading into Silverthorn on Friday night. Go Broncos!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Smiles for 2012

Time for the close of an amazing 2011 and the start of "The Best Year Yet." To a year filled with smiles, love, laughter, prosperity, beauty, fun and images that take your breath away!
Picture taken at infinity park in Chi Town. These art screens are absolutely fascinating to me.